
Monday, October 17, 2011

Democratic mob violence, Case and Point

In the article “Obama: Hope, change, and the occasional sex dream”, Ann Coulter is talking about the “mob-mentality” that seems to overtake many of the liberals views, and that is usually accompanied with violence and contradictions. This article first caught my attention because I have not seen many articles that actually dont defend the liberal view point. I feel like most of the mainstream media that I see every day actually has a liberal/democratic point of view and it was my eye as different to see something from a republicans opinion who seemed to have more of the same opinion as I do. I think Coulter is trying to address the audience of the public in general. Probably appealing more to conservatives, but still trying to prove the point to liberals that a lot of times their actions do not line up with what they speak ideologically, contradicting themselves frequently. Coulter gives multiple examples of her views on liberals. Her example of Paul Kanjorski saying that there needed to be an “atmosphere of civility” only a few months after he had said they should put the republican candidate for governor of Florida up against a wall and shoot him, shows how the democrats have shown to have a contradictory attitude on issues, often times promoting this mob view of violent protests and riots. I think Coulter’s use of evidence to explain her opinion gives her a certain amount of credibility because she is not simply throwing out statements without backing them up. However I do think that she is making the statement very broad, applying it to all liberals, when in reality there can be examples found of mob mentality among republicans just as there is among liberals and their leaders. I do also like her point that Democrats often “hype up” a candidate running for an office to the point that they do become a human idol, where people are asked to put an unreasonable amount of faith and hope in a single person with unrealistic proposals and promises only to have our expectations greatly un-met. Although Ann Coulter can be very harsh and direct in her points, often fueling a fire much like the Democrats she strongly opposes, her theories are always backed up with evidence and seem to be based strongly on examples she clearly points out. 

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